Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Will Have Better Drop Rates For Wellspring Weapons

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen launched a week ago, and it brought a multitude of new features to the game–some of which apparently still need some fine-tuning. In the first week of the expansion, players have complained about the frequency of rewards being dolled out to use The Witch Queen’s new crafting system, specifically from the new six-player activity, The Wellspring. Joe Blackburn, the game director for Destiny 2, addressed complaints coming from the community and changes Bungie will make in the upcoming patch.

The Report: Relic Data quest–which leads to the quest to unlock an Exotic version of The Witch Queen’s new weapon type, the Glaive–in particular caused issues, as it asks players to craft two weapons: the Tarnation grenade launcher and the Come to Pass auto rifle. Both of these guns drop from the Wellspring activity, but especially in their craftable forms, the guns have been tough to come by. According to Blackburn, Bungie is looking into adjustments for drop rates of the guns to make the grind a little less grindy.

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